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Wait for our reply via email or SMS on payment method and delivery charges. I will give my account number via email.
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Make payment (bank-in / online-banking / online-transfer) to our account.
Step 5:
Please send us a notification after payment done
YOU MUST E-MAIL ME PROOF OF PAYMENTin order for me to acknowledge receipt of your payment.Online banking - copy the successful transaction record ATM deposit - scan or take a digital photo of the deposit slip & email it to me. The Bank's online system does not tell me the identity of the payor, so I will need proof from you as I receive deposits of similar amounts from various buyers on a daily basis. Thank you for your understanding.
WARN: Only for those who willing to wait! No refundable allow after confirming your order. Of course, we'll refund you if out-of stock.
Step 3:
Wait for our reply via email or SMS on payment method and delivery charges. I will give my account number via email.
Step 4:
Make payment (bank-in / online-banking / online-transfer) to our account.
Step 5:
Please send us a notification after payment done
YOU MUST E-MAIL ME PROOF OF PAYMENTin order for me to acknowledge receipt of your payment.Online banking - copy the successful transaction record ATM deposit - scan or take a digital photo of the deposit slip & email it to me. The Bank's online system does not tell me the identity of the payor, so I will need proof from you as I receive deposits of similar amounts from various buyers on a daily basis. Thank you for your understanding.
WARN: Only for those who willing to wait! No refundable allow after confirming your order. Of course, we'll refund you if out-of stock.
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